Sunday, October 13, 2013

Halloween 2013


I have been doing Halloween Reads for 3 years now, which starts in the month of October, with other readers from Librarything. One of the most interesting feature of such a Group Halloween Read is that while there is a suggested List created by one of the members, everyone is free to pick all, a few, or even none of the books from the List and create and follow a List of his/her own. There is no restriction on the number of books either, readers read 1-13 books depending on their time availability and inclination. Nor is there any time restriction, one can take as long as one wants to, to complete the reads. And despite such a loose structure for a Group, it works remarkably well. Readers share their opinions on the common reads, on reads they may have done earlier and get to add new books to their TBR (to the uninitiated, TBR stands for To Be Read) stack.

In all my previous Halloween reads, Stephen King is one author who makes an appearance every year, figures, right? Well, this year is no different. In fact this year, I have two Stephen King books in my list of 7, Blockade Billy, a novella on Baseball, a game I got hooked into from Anime and Manga of all things! The second one is Doctor Sleep, the sequel to the classic, and one of my all-time favourites, The Shining. A sequel which comes 36 years of the release of the book. The Shining was one of the, actually probably the only book, that really, really scared me. Even the Jack Nicholson (who happens to be one of my favourite actors) starer movie version looked like a Disney version of the real thing. Needless to say, I am all excited and a little spooked to start with Doctor Sleep.

Listed below, is my proposed Halloween List for this year.

Halloween Reads Planned:-

1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
2. Blockade Billy - Stephen King
3. Day Watch (Book 2) - Sergei Lukyanenko
4. The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
5. Brother Odd - Odd Thomas (Book 3) - Dean Koontz
6. The Bone Season - Samantha Shannon
7. Doctor Sleep - Stephen King

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